Analysis of Integrity System

Analysis of Integrity System

Taking into account the needs and constant changes in the industry we are offering our services, experience and knowledge in the area of materials engineer, integrity and inspection of the equipment, error analysis, materials characteristics and corrosion with the objectives to support projects of our clients with the quality, competitiveness and excellence.

  • Consultancy
  • Metallographic Analysis of the Field
  • Stiffness in the field
  • Positive Identification of PMI-Material
  • Thickness Non-destructive Measurement
  • Non-Destructive Examination
  • Phase-Array Inspection
  • Magnetic Fractions
  • Penetrating Liquids
  • Guided Waves
  • Inspection by MFL
  • Fail Analysis
  • Laboratory Tests                           Coming soon

Many years of experience

in selling, installing, servicing